Jazz- eta musika-tresnakNONE Club Creativo
24 Jul - 26 Jul 2024
Wednesday, Friday
Kutxa Fundazioa Plaza (Tabakalera)
Basque / Children

Registration for this workshop is free of charge on the same day of the event, on a first come first served basis and until all places are taken.
A workshop where skill, ability, hearing and the body will help participants to recognise rhythms, sounds and forms. The activities will be divided into areas and slots. Each slot will last for 30 minutes.
Blue area
Children aged 12+ years will complete cardboard puzzles of big instruments, such as the double bass, drums or keyboards. What do they sound like? How do you play them? Listen up!
Green area
Children aged 7-12 years will slot pieces together to make medium-sized instruments. This area will have a couple of tables with a model of the Kursaal Centre for which children can cut out and stick on instruments. What do they sound like? What instrument is it? How is it played? Listen up!
Orange area
Children aged 4-6 years, helped by an adult, will be given drawings of instruments on large sheets of paper to colour in with wax crayons. Listen to the music and… get dancing!
Tri-coloured area
Space in which to make a variety of creations while waiting your turn. Here children will have a model of the Kursaal centre which they can decorate with the instruments as they make them.
This workshop is part of the 12.Txikijazz event.