Škoda San Telmo Museoa Season Ticket5 conciertos

15% discounts:
Those purchasing tickets for the five shows programmed to take place in Škoda San Telmo Museoa at the Jazzaldia will receive a discount of 15% on the price of a single ticket.
- 23 of July, 11:00, San Telmo Museoa: Baptiste Trotignon
- 24 of July, 11:00, San Telmo Museoa: Bojan Z
- 25 of July, 11:00, San Telmo Museoa: Pierre de Bethmann
- 26 of July, 11:00, San Telmo Museoa: Marc Ribot
- 27 of July, 11:00, San Telmo Museoa: Kirk Knuffke Quartet Featuring Ray Anderson
This discount is not valid on top of the concessions available to Donostia Kultura members, people under the age of 30, pensioners and the over-65s, or the unemployed.